What are travel agency owners saying about us?
Four and a half years ago, I met Walter Gay at a meeting and like many of us thought my GDS deal was as good as it could get. At the time I was in a segment shortfall and was paying the GDS company over $1000.00 per month. After a brief conversation with Walter I found that I could get out of my contract and begin earning more for my segments than my original contract provided. Since then we have had a positive cash flow from our GDS contract, I have been able to bring on additional income from additional affiliate recommendations. I look forward to the continued pleasure of working with TRAC and taking advantage of Walters expertise in negotiating the best possible deal available.
Peter A. Scocca II
Vista Travel Inc. / American Express
Walter has creatively negotiated our GDS contracts for the past 15-years.
Doug Walker Walker Travel Inc.
Count me in and I will leave the negotiations in your capable hands.
Frank King King's House of Travel
We trust that you will negotiate the best program for us.
Al Vavra Dial Travel
I have twenty five years in the business, the last five years with this type of contract, and for us there has been no down side. Agencies maintain their autonomy, ARC, as well as their preferred consortia relationship. We will stand as one and negotiate as one. However, every agency will decide which system best fits their specific business needs. Simply put, it is the power of numbers that makes this plan work.
Bill Beck Alaska Travel Source